- Radiation: you are exposed to a small increase in the amount of exposure to background radiation
- Security: consider not only the customs and safety of the country you are visiting, but remember motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of travel injury
- Water: drink only safe, bottled water
- Food: eat freshly and properly cooked food, and avoid street food and raw or under-cooked food
- Travel Insurance: make sure your travel insurance covers you for pregnancy complications
- Insect-borne infections: reduce your risk of mosquito and other infections by covering up, wearing DEET, using air-conditioning and avoiding dawn and dusk, which are common biting times
- Respiratory Infections: airports are hubs of infection, so consider wearing a face mask while transiting through airports
- Travel Letter: make sure you get a letter from me or from your GP dated within 10 days of your departure
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): the combination of pregnancy and long haul travel increases your risk of blood clots in legs or lungs, which can be serious
Strategies to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis:
Consume plenty of drinking water;
Use full length, surgical grade, stockings for the entire flight and until you are fully mobile;
Walk around the cabin or up and down the aisle every 2-3 hours;
Wiggle your toes frequently when seated.
Consume anything that de-hydrates you, especially caffeine or alcohol.