Dr Rahul Sen

What is Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing?

Non-invasive prenatal testing or NIPT is a screening test designed to determine the likelihood of a child developing certain genetic abnormalities. During pregnancy a child’s DNA mixes with the mother’s in her bloodstream, allowing doctors to perform a simple blood test to examine the genetic material and find particular issues early.   

What does non-invasive prenatal testing screen for?

Non-invasive prenatal testing is a highly sensitive prenatal screening test that can help mothers understand the risk of their child developing certain genetic abnormalities during pregnancy. The test is done in the first trimester and screens for:

While all of these genetic abnormalities are very rare, screening for them allows the mother and their families to properly prepare for all eventualities and make informed medical decisions based on the findings of the tests.

Who should consider non-invasive prenatal testing?

Non-invasive prenatal testing is not a standard test in the first trimester, and is only offered in particular specialist clinics, however, it can be an extremely useful test for mothers who:

What are the benefits of non-invasive prenatal testing?

Non-invasive prenatal testing has had such an impact on prenatal screening because of its major benefits:

What are some considerations you should be aware of?

Non-invasive prenatal testing is highly accurate, however, it is still a screening rather than diagnostic test. This means that while it can help assess the likelihood of a baby being affected, it can not give parents a definitive answer, which will require a diagnostic test like CVS. It can however allow mothers make better informed decisions about how to prepare and whether to take a more invasive test to get a definitive diagnosis.