Dr Rahul Sen

Birth Education

Birth Education

If this is your first pregnancy I strongly recommend that you and your partner attend childbirth education. There are many options available, but most are very popular so please book well in advance. Classes include sessions on health education, birth preparation and parenting, and most include a tour of delivery suite. Many classes attract a health fund rebate, depending on your fund.

At Prince of Wales Private please email: POWPrivate.Prenatal@healthscope.com.au for details of antenatal classes. You should book at around 18 weeks, although the classes are at 32-36 weeks.
The antenatal and postnatal classes at the Royal Hospital for Women are available to women who are booked at the RHW. Classes are held one night per week for seven weeks or on two consecutive Saturdays from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm.

RHW also offers 4-hour Birth Intensive and Baby Intensive courses at weekends, as well as Calmbirth classes, and also Twin Birth classes, if you are expecting twins. To book visit the RHW website at http://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/RHW/Health_Education/ and book online. Please book early.

If you are anxious about birth or interested in a natural, drug-free approach to childbirth you may wish to consider Calmbirth, or Hypnobirth. These courses aim to reduce the fear and anxiety associated with labour, which can cause physical tension and reduce the effectiveness of labour contractions. They are very helpful for most women, but they do not suit everyone, and birth experiences can be quite different. They tend to have a rather strong emphasis on pre-formulated birth plans.


Birth Preparation Classes

Carolyn Love, Prince of Wales Private Hospital: POWMaternity@healthscope.com.au

Health Education Centre, RHW: http://www.seslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/RHW/Health_Education/

Calmbirth, RHW: https://www.trybooking.com/195086

Lynne Hall, Better Beginnings Birth Education Classes (02) 9664 4315
and Lactation Consultant www.betterbeginnings.com.au 0419 245 966.

Michelle Eveleigh. Midwife Antenatal Classes and Aquanatal Teacher 0451 957 713.

Jane Simons, Physiotherapy Exercise Classes (02) 9327 4294.

Calmbirth, Karen Mclay, Bowral www.calmbirth.com.au (02) 4871 1806.

Shebirths, Nadine Richardson – shebirths.com.au (02) 8060 2212.

Transition into parenthood/calmbirth, www.Julieclarke.com.au or www.bluemountainscalmbirth.com.au

Parenting for Life, RHW: https://www.trybooking.com/195174

For Dads:
Beer and Bubs  – 1 night session, www.beerandbubs.com.au (02) 9440 9999

The Baby Shed – a hands on workshop for new Dads. Contact familysupport@senc.org.au or www.facebook.com/thebabyshed


Midwife Support:

Michele Simpson (or Chantelle du Boisee). Tel 0417 821 438
Email: michele@rahulsen.com.au

Please contact Michele if you need any advice during your pregnancy or help in the postnatal period eg: postnatal recovery, breastfeeding or settling advice, or for any difficulties you may be experiencing as new parents. Michele will make one visit to your home to provide practical advice, help and reassurance after you have had your baby.

You can communicate with Michele by phone, text, or email, preferably between the hours of 8am and 9pm most days. Please note that Michele has a busy hospital schedule, and also has a family, so reason she may not be contactable on some days, overnight or some weekends. The cost of the care and advice that Michele provides, including one home visit, is incorporated in your planning and management of pregnancy fee.

Michele is not able to provide an emergency service. In an emergency please contact the Delivery Suite of your hospital.