Dr Rahul Sen

The Importance of Obstetricians for Complicated Pregnancies

Pregnancy is a beautiful time for many as they watch their child grow and develop. It can be an exciting mix of emotions but can also be filled with doubt and questions as families try to do their best for the growing baby.

That’s why a good prenatal doctor is vital to the process. An obstetrician can be there to answer questions, perform routine checks and ensure that the mother and baby remain healthy throughout the pregnancy and birth.

Complications do happen however, and when they do having an obstetrician on your side can make a significant difference. An obstetrician is a highly qualified medical professional, trained in helping women through complicated pregnancies and experts in facilitating successful births.

What is a complicated pregnancy?

A complicated or high-risk pregnancy is a complication during the nine month period that might affect the health of the mother or child. High risk pregnancies can develop for a number of reasons including:

The good news is that a complicated pregnancy doesn’t necessarily have to be more difficult than a pregnancy that is low-risk and in a lot of cases can be managed successfully through a combination of the right prenatal care and the attention of an obstetrician.

What is an obstetrician?

An obstetrician is a medical professional that provides expert care and advice before, during and after birth. They perform a number of important functions including:

What is the role of an obstetrician during complicated pregnancies?

There are a number of factors that make an obstetrician important during high risk pregnancies.

First and foremost they are the health care provider that has been there with the mother and baby since the beginning of the journey. They understand the medical history of the mother and how the child has developed over the nine months. This makes them uniquely qualified to know what treatments and procedures are best to ensure a successful birth.

As an expert in their field they will play a vital role in adjusting prenatal (pre-birth) care and will have an active role in the delivery of the child. They will be able to advise on whether a natural birth or c-section and help facilitate a healthy birth.